Indrajit Battle The reliefs on the lintel depicts Indrajit, son of Ravana, shot his Nagapasa arrow which turn to be the Naga rope to fasten Rama and Lakshmana. Ravana had Trijata take Sida to the scene of the fight on an aerial vehicle. Puspaka, Rama's Sida took it that Rama was really dead. Trijata tried to console her saying that a Puspaka would not float if its passenger was a widow. As the vehicle was still floating in the air, it signified that Rama was still alive. Meanwhile, Hanuman flew to the sea of milk to get a remedy for Rama and Lakshmana. Fortunately, Garuda who was the enemy of the Naga happened to fly to the battlefield. The frightened Naga released Rama and Lakshmana and fled the scene.