
Tourist Information Online Co., Ltd. as "Company" recognizes the importance of your personal information. This privacy policy summarizes the important aspects of the type of personal information which the company has collected from customers and how we use and protect that information This policy will also inform you of what you need to do. Personal information that you have provided or use via website Whether it is an IP address, a cookie, contact us, membership profile, or additional details (Reservation Form) that is information about contacting the company such as name, address, phone number, email and other personal tastes. You must accept and agreed that it is the right and ownership of the company.

Your consent to this Privacy Policy

You show that you agree to all of the terms in our current privacy policy as shown here by providing personal information to the company. If you do not agree with any of the terms in this policy, please do not provide any personal information to us. If you choose not to provide personal information, you may not be able to do certain transactions, such as accessing some parts of our website,participation in comments, requests for information or sending emails to us etc.

Collect Personal Information
As used in this policy "Personal Information" means information that can be diagnosed as personal such as your name, address, phone number and email etc.

When you give us personal information, assumes that you are allowing us to use that information in accordance with all the requirements of this policy which includes your rights that limit us to use your personal information. We may collect personal information from you as well.

About third parties (such as a website may allow you to send electronic "postcard" for friends In which case, we need to know the name and the email address of that person). Please acknowledge that we use such information only for the stated purposes. Company does not have a policy to sell your personal information to third parties. Unless the hotel which you have reserved or affiliated companies to create promotions in conjunction with the company's products or companies that conduct market research only.

Information We Store

Within the website, we collect information from the following sources.

  1. Reservation forms, tours, food coupons, etc.
  2. Newsletters, subscribers and promotions
  3. Inquiry via email or form
  4. Member system
  5. Application form

List of data that we store, such as

  1. Name of hotel reservation, tour, food coupon, etc. (may be in the future)
  2. Adress
  3. Email
  4. Contact number
  5. Fax number

In addition, we may collect information about the use of the website, such as IP address, booking preferences, travel, and we may summarize the booking behavior. To offer various promotions Company do not store your credit card information through the website but will be stored by the system and website of the bank separately.