Attractions 'Shan State'

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: 1568

Inle Lake
Inle Lake Burma

Inle Lake Burma

There are many types of species you woll enjoy upon visiting the place that surely your vacation us well worth it, you will see such as  the silver-blue scaleless Sawbwa barb, the crossbanded dwarf danio, and the Lake Inle danio. You will also taste the native product of Inle Lake that makes your sense of taste satisfied. In addition dont moss to watch the nightly shows of the traditional Burmese music and marionettes. 

Pindaya Caves in Myanmar

Pindaya Caves in Myanmar

Pindaya caves in Myanmar is one of the tourist destination many of the tourist came even thou the local cave by, because many Bhudda images are here and they make pilgrimage in order to praise Lord Bhudda. Inside the cave you will experince to see the different types of Bhudda images,there are about seventy unique images.  They are unique in that the styling of hair, eyes, nose, ears, robe are different from most other images from Burma.

Shan State Cultural Museum

Shan State Cultural Museum

It displays divans, swords, fans, chairs used by "Sawbwa" Shan Chief of former times, old paintings, coins and traditional costumes of the Shan races. By seeing the tools you will observe the people's of Shan before and you 

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