“Klewenalp Mountain Station, where you go with your sled in tow to Röthenport. From there it’s a short ride to the Chälen chairlift”

Klewenalp When the mountain world high above Lake Lucerne disappears under a white blanket, it’s time for the first airboard ride on the Klewenalp. An extra piste in the Chälen area offers airboard fans and experienced tobogganists a fantastic opportunity to show off their skills.

The toboggan run of Chälen is something for pros. Airboards can be  quickly and easily rented at the Klewenalp Mountain Station, where you go with your sled in tow to Röthenport. From there it’s a short ride to the Chälen chairlift. With the 4-seater chairlift you get comfortably to the starting point of the fast toboggan ride. With the high quality, inflatable soft winter sports equipment you ride down the snow-slope sitting, kneeling and above all on your stomach, headfirst. Previous experience is not necessary, but it takes a little courage. Wearing a helmet is highly  recommended.



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