
Poi Waterfall and Khao Krayang Forest Plantation is a spot for nature and waterfall lovers. It is located in Wang Thong District of Phitsanulok Where there are many waterfalls as the Lam Nam Khek stream flows through the district. Poi Waterfall is a large waterfall with the width_ of 200 meters and the height_ of 100 meters, located in the way of the flowing Lam Nam Khek stream. The water falls down from several rock levels, creating a beautiful scene of the waterfall which is perfect for photos.

The water of Poi Waterfall is different in each season. During rainy season, the water is muddy and the stream flows too fast for swimming. During winter and summer, the water is greenish clear and the stream flows slower. This is the time when tourists can get in the water and enjoy swimming in the area at the end of the stream. This large waterfall with surrounding beautiful scenery, suitable for recreation and relaxation activities, is under the responsibility of the Forest Industry Organization. 

Poi Waterfall


Kaeng Sopha, Wang Thong District, Phitsanulok 65220 Map

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