Similar Trips 'Carlow'

Attractions 'Carlow'

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: 1540

Carlow Town Park and playground

Carlow Town Park and playground

Playground and park on the banks of the Barrow River It is the second largest park in Carlow after Oak Park.

St  Mary s Church of Ireland

St Mary s Church of Ireland

It is the third Church of Ireland church to have been built

Carlow Castle

Carlow Castle

acient ruined castle in the heart of city

Carlow Town Hall

Carlow Town Hall

Traditional Victorian building The town hall remains the center of local government in Carlow.

Liberty Tree

Liberty Tree

This sculpture was made by artist John Behan to commemorate the 1798 rebellion in Carlow Town sits on a circular plinth with a fountain.

Brownshill Portal Tomb  Dolmen

Brownshill Portal Tomb Dolmen

Brownshill Dolmen This impressive megalithic tomb is believed to be the largest in Europe. It weighs about 150 tons, located 3 km east of Carlow.

Carlow Castle

Carlow Castle

Carlow Castle, located on the banks of the Barrow and Burrin rivers near Carlow town centre, is one of the most important Anglo-Norman castles in Ireland.

Croppies Grave

Croppies Grave

 This site is commemorated with a replica high cross. The battle took place in the vicinity of the Liberty Tree.

Cathedral of the Assumption

Cathedral of the Assumption

The cathedral is located in the city of Carlow. It was dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in 1833.

Carlow Courthouse

Carlow Courthouse

The best of 19th century ancient Greek revivalist architecture. 

Altamont Gardens

Altamont Gardens

Altamont Gardens

Church of The Annunciation

Church of The Annunciation

Marvel at the divine symphony of architectural grandeur within Ireland's churches  

Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle

The ruined medieval castle in Northern Ireland.

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