สุราษฎร์ธานี ต้องเที่ยว

สุราษฎร์ธานี สถานที่ท่องเที่ยว แบบว่าต้องเที่ยว นอกจาก เกาะเต่า เกาะพะงัน เกาะสมุย เขาสก แล้วจะมีที่ไหนอีกบ้าง ที่มาถึงแล้ว "ต้องเที่ยว"
Comprising largely jungle with complex mountain ranges, the park contains a great deal of flora and fauna. Its cover by the evergreen forest mountai and jungle thyat surely you will enjoy your visitation on this place. It is a fantastic place to go on vacation. Elephant trekking, trekking on foot, canoeing and jeep safaris are all possible activities, which will give you the experience of a l...
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Better known as Suan Mok, Suan Moks founder, the late Bhikkhu Buddhadhasa, was highly respected both locally and internationally. His back to basics form of Buddhism, mirroring that led by the Buddha earliest disciples more than 2,500 years ago, attracted many Buddhist monks and lay meditators from Europe, North and South America, Australia and Japan. The enclave is devoid of extravagant cer...
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Phra Borom That Chaiya Located some 4 kilometres northeast of Suan Mok, and 1 kilometre from Chaiya railway station, this elaborately restored and revered pagoda is believed to be more than 1,200 years old. It is also the symbol of the province the temple serve for religious puposes among the Bhuddist ...
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Many people would easily see in their mind the picture of the three islands linked together by Sandbars, this scenery actually has been voted to be one of ten best scenery of the world.Watch Koh Nang Yuan from the hilltop at the back of Koh Nang Yuan Dive Resort, the shape and the beauty of the sandbars will change according to the wind and waves, so that it really looks different everyday.
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