ฉะเชิงเทรา มุมสูง

สถานที่ท่องเที่ยว ฉะเชิงเทรา มูมสูง
แปดริ้ว เมืองแห่งเทพ
 This temple is in the municipal area by the Bang Pakong River. Built in late Ayutthaya Period, with its original name of “Wat Hong”, it is the location of Phra Phutthasothon or Luang Pho Sothon, the important Buddha image in the attitude of meditation with a width of 1.65 meters and a height of 1.48 meters high. According to the legend, this Buddha image had been floated along the river, bef... read more
Thistemple is 23 kilometers from Chachoengsao. Using highway No. 304 for 17 kilometers, then turn left to highway No.3121 for 6 kilometers, pass the Monument of King Taksin the Great, then turn left 500 meters. Also, another route is to travel by boat from Chachoengsao town at Tawan Ok Plaza pier, and land at the pier of the temple. There are many bats on trees during the day and fly out to search... read more


