สุรินทร์ ต้องเที่ยว

สุรินทร์ ต้องเที่ยว มาถึงแล้วอย่าผ่านไป มารู้จักก่อนหน่อย หากมีโอกาสแล้วจะได้ไม่ผ่านเลยไป
Located on the Phanom Dong Rak Range, this ruin lies on the route linking the Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom to Prasat Hin Phimai. It is now hidden amidst lush forest, the southern part of which is right on the Cambodian border.
The compound has 3 towers, The principal one in the central and the smaller one on its left and right, made from pink sandstones.
Two laterite wihan exist on the East and West... read more
The compound has 3 towers, The principal one in the central and the smaller one on its left and right, made from pink sandstones.
Two laterite wihan exist on the East and West... read more
Phanom means mountain and Sawai means mango. Phanom Sawai, the closest forest to the province, is a small mountain covered with Mixed deciduous forest. Phanom Sawai was regarded as a pilgrimage site. On the 1st day of the waxing moon in April many people walk to the temple on the mountaintop to listen to the mountaintop to listen to the Buddhist doctrine and toa make merit. In front of the Forest ...
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Prasat Muang Thi is situated at Ban Muang Thi, Tambon Muan Thi, Ampoe Muang, Surin province.
It was built in brick and mortar into a group of 5 towers, on a single base. Only three towers still remain at present the one in the middle and those in the northeast and southwest corners. The main tower in the middle which is the largest one due to some later alteration has a t... read more
It was built in brick and mortar into a group of 5 towers, on a single base. Only three towers still remain at present the one in the middle and those in the northeast and southwest corners. The main tower in the middle which is the largest one due to some later alteration has a t... read more
Chong Chom International Point of Entry is situated at Kab Choeng District, Surin Province, the Kingdom of Thailand and the border of O’Smach International Point of Entry, Samrong District, Oddar Meanchey Province, the Kingdom of Cambodia was the biggest and most important border market in the south of Northeastern. The crossing point is 70 kilometers from provincial town and opens 07....
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Locally called Prasat Ra Ngaeng this Khmer ruin consists of 1 principal tower, or prang, and 4 smaller towers at each corner, on the same laterite platform, surrounded by a moat. The edifice faces east, with a balustrade leading to a single portal, suggesting the influence of Khmer’s Bapuan (1007-1107) and Angkor Wat (1107-1157) styles. This edifice was probably constructed in mid-11th century t...
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The complex occupies 4 ancient structures 3 brick and 1 laterite, lying in North-South direction. The big brick structure and the northern one remain in rather good condition. These two structures are among the oldest Khmer ruins in Thailand, presumably erected in the 6th - 7th centuries. The brick one in the middle and the laterite in the South were seemingly built later.
This complex was m... read more
This complex was m... read more